Alina Kabaeva ran out of money

The famous gymnast's charitable foundation lost millions of sponsorships.
Alessandra Rich's colorful $ 2,000 midi dress, an engagement ring that she no longer hides, a vintage Chanel bag, her favorite pearl earrings ... Fans of glamorous gossip and expensive outfits last week had something to discuss. Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva, who does not often appear in the world, again stepped out of the shadows: at the Sport Movies & TV-2021 festival in Milan, the International Federation of Sports Film and Television, the gymnast was solemnly presented with the Wreath of Honor.

With this award, the jury noted Kabaeva's contribution to the promotion of sports. In particular, the Alina Rhythmic Gymnastics Festival, which has been held since 2009 by the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation.

Sport Movies & TV-2021 was even nicknamed "Oscar" in the world of sports television and cinema on federal channels (although before this award had not even been heard). But if this is indeed an Oscar, then for Kabaeva it can be considered comforting. Recently, the financial affairs of the foundation for which she was awarded more resemble a sports drama.

Funeral wreath

Neither this nor last year, the Kabaeva fund "Alina" was held. This is at least understandable: a pandemic. But he did not spend it in the dock 19. Then the VGTRK only played a film on the history of the festival. Before that, there were 10 holidays that took place every year - and suddenly there was such a pause. The reason lies in the financial statements of the fund.

In 2013, the "Interlocutor" found out, the fund received almost 200 million rubles from Russian commercial organizations. From 2014 to 2017, after the announcement of anti-Russian sanctions and the fall in oil prices, another 70 million were regularly dripping.In 2018, more than 100 million came in. And in 2019, only 10 million plus kopecks. This may be enough for earrings, but not very much for a large-scale show.

This year, the fund did not submit a financial report to the Ministry of Justice at all. According to the law, he is not obliged to do this if the amount of donations is less than 3 million rubles. In previous years, this amount was used only for the salaries of employees. So the honorary wreath received in Milan for "Alina" Kabaeva is like a funeral one.

What is the "Oscar" without Mikhalkov

In any case, the gymnast received a sports "Oscar" for a reason. It turned out that her foundation is also partly related to the acting environment.

The fact is that the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation has a collection of trademarks for various types of products: from calculators and pupsiks to recording disks and bleaching agents. The gymnast registered most of them in 2019, which is when the fund became "all bad" with money.

At the same time, as noted by "Interlocutor", the athlete has changed the patent attorney. If its first trademarks were registered by attorney Inna Chudakova, then from 2019 Bastion company began to do this. Its only founder is the general director of the Russian Authors 'Society Alexander Sukhotin (the RAO Authors' Council is headed by a confidant of Vladimir Putin, musician Igor Butman). And Bastion is headed by Sergei Samykin, who through the Hollywood Reporter Rus company cooperates with Nikita Mikhalkov's Trite studio. Mikhalkov has also repeatedly been the president's confidant. Such a movie.

Moreover, the same phone number that is indicated in the constituent documents of Kabaeva is also recorded for the specialized fund for endowment management "Fund for the Support of the Central House of Actor". True, it was not possible to find out which of the funds would be the first to answer the phone. It turned out that the given phone number is no longer "serviced". Maybe they turned it off for non-payment?

Family "Reserve" has exhausted itself

At the same time, the Kabaeva fund was formally registered at the address of the capital's sports complex "Kuntsevo", which is headed by the athlete's mother, Lyubov Mikhailovna. And the complex is owned by the firm "Reserve-M" of the gymnast's sister, Leysan Kabaeva.

So, while everything is fine with the state contracts at SFOK "Kuntsevo", but with the affairs of "Rezerv" it is no longer very good. For several months bailiffs have been hunting for the company's management, trying to knock out debts to the budget from the champion's sister, but, apparently, she also has no money. Although the entire debt is 3,200. But then there were other financial sanctions imposed by the court - "for failure to provide, within the prescribed time limit, the information necessary for the implementation of individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system." That and look, from the sports complex will soon have to move out ...

Alina Kabaeva's charitable foundation is generally unusual. He does not have his own website, nor, accordingly, bank details, which could be used to transfer donations to him. It seems that only a select few were allowed to give money to the fund, and even then with special permission. It is no wonder that, as a result, the financial flow dried up. Why and by whose whim is unknown. But in recent months, the routes of the plane of the Rossiya flight squadron, on which, as the media wrote, Alina Kabaeva flies, do not coincide with the routes of board number 1. Unless, of course, that plane is still assigned to her. In any case, the champion flew on a completely different flight to receive the award to Milan.