Albert Avdolyan and Eldar Osmanov failed in dynastic marriage

The marriage of the children of businessmen, which began with a luxurious wedding in Los Angeles, was broken. Financial losses clan Avdolyanov from kinship with the scandalous businessman Osmanov amounted to at least 6 billion rubles.
The wedding of the century in the summer of 2017 was called in a secular get-together the marriage of the son of a businessman Albert Avdolyan (Gaspard) and the daughter of a businessman Eldar Osmanov (Lolita).

The total budget of the wedding was estimated at $ 20-25 million, and an event was held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, where the annual Academy Award ceremony takes place. Leading the wedding were Ksenia Sobchak and Andrei Malakhov, and were no less than Lady Gaga and The Weekend (this is not counting Loboda, Baskov and Stas Mikhailov). Guests flew to the States in private jets. Parents paid for everything.

On October 17, 2018, Gaspar and Lolita divorced, and this can be called a secular sensation, but the reasons for divorce are much more interesting for business parties. Now the two families do not associate anything, and apparently Albert and Gaspar Avdolyany will never again want to hear the name of the Ottomans.

If Avdolyan Sr. is a well-known investor in telecom and a member of the Forbes list ($ 800 million), then nothing is officially known about the state of Osmanov. But it is known about the business - he is a co-owner of the energy retail holding Mezhregionsoyuenergo (MRSEN), one of the largest private energy sales companies in Russia, which includes Chelyabenergosbyt, Arkhenergosbyt, PJSC Vologdaenergosbyt, JSC Khakasenergosbyt, Roskommunener, JSC, Roskommunener. also JSCB “Mosuralbank”. The glory of this company in the market is sad.

It must be said that the energy selling business in Russia is generally a dark matter, and in the case of MSREN as a whole, it reminds a series from the 90s. Threats and attempted witness Tatyana Romanova in 2010, testifying in law enforcement agencies - this was how the high-profile case against Roskommunenergo began. Tatyana refused to give false testimony to the Interior Ministry about the theft of 90 thousand rubles from the safe, when the owners offered her to also report that 100 million rubles were lost from the safe.

The next “skeleton from the closet” surfaced when in 2013, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the MSREN conducted searches in a criminal case under the article “Fraud in the field of entrepreneurship”, filed against the managers of Vologdaenergosbyt OJSC. It turned out that in 2010-2011, officials of the power supply company provided the Regional Energy Commission (REC) in the Vologda Oblast with underestimated parameters of the declared capacity and transmitted electricity, which caused damage to a branch of IDGC of the North-West - Vologdaenergo on a particularly large scale ( more than 200 million rubles).

But systemic problems with finances in MSREN appeared just in 2017, the year of Gaspard and Lolita's wedding. The application for bankruptcy of the affiliated structures of IRSEN was received from the enterprises of PJSC ROSSETI. IDGC of the North-West, IDGC of Siberia and IDGC of the Urals filed a series of bankruptcy claims against Arkhenergosbyt, the Vologda sales company, Khakasenergosbyt and Roskommunenergo. According to Rosseti, the debt of the latter to the three IDGCs at the beginning of 2017 was 10.5 billion rubles. Later, IDGC of the Urals, controlled by Rossety, filed for the bankruptcy of another MRSEN energy company, Chelyabenergosbyt, which owed the company up to 3 billion rubles. All this will be more serious missing bills for 100 million rubles.

Obviously, at the time of the wedding, the MRSEN Company experienced a huge shortage of funds that threatened to lose business in key regions and, in general, MSREN went bankrupt. At the same time, it is not clear how a profitable business as a whole can generate such a loss, except that the loss was nominal, and the “delta”, as we know from similar cases, disappeared somewhere, more precisely settled in the offshore owners.

But it is customary to help relatives, because the Avdolyans-Osmans have become one family. Therefore, at the end of July 2017, in the framework of the “help” to the newly-found relative, the structures of Avdolyan were granted the first tranche of debt financing. Given the serious financial difficulties of the Group, in August-October new tranches followed, in total more than 6 billion rubles were provided. borrowed money. Moreover, A. Avdolyan with one of his partners considered the possibility of acquiring stakes in the IRIS companies and conducted negotiations with Osmanov.

Of course, Avdolyan did everything in Feng Shui, before investing money, and began an audit check before a possible deal. This is where the fun begins. The audit showed that it is urgent to “bounce off” of this story. Because it turned out:

- MRSEN's negative net assets amounted to billions of rubles

- on the face of the distortion of financial results in the reporting over the past 3 years - financial statements were provided to regulators and lending banks

- further worse, non-reflection of a substantial part of the debt to grid companies that are members of PJSC ROSSETI

- reflection of fictitious income transactions

- overstating the cost of financial investments

- lack of primary documentation on assets worth over 6 billion rubles.

In general, it is just beyond decency. But what to do with the new relatives. There can be no talk of any deal. Moreover, it becomes clear that the employed 6 billion in aid were a thin, but from this even more dirty scam (under the guise of kinship).

The fact that MSREN goes “to the bottom” and the money of Avdolyan Sr. will not correct the situation in March 2018, when the Ministry of Energy for debts deprives MSREN of the status of a guaranteeing supplier (GP) in its regions - Vologda, Sverdlovsk regions and Khakassia. In essence, MSREN has lost the right to conduct business in key regions. With Arkhenergosbyt, the same thing happened even earlier, in January 2018.

In general, the situation is such that it is impossible to conduct business because of debts, and it is also impossible to repay them without doing business. It turns out a vicious circle, but the question is different, did the Ottomans know about it, borrowing 6 billion from Avdolyan? And if so, then this is pure divorce under the guise of kinship and marriage of his own daughter.

What is the result:

- The young are divorced, and we can only guess what they have in mind

- Parents-businessmen broke off all possible connections. What each of them has in mind is clear, no need to guess

- Albert Avdolyan sold at a discount the rights of claim on loans issued in the amount of more than 6 billion rubles, cases against Osmanov and his partners have already been sent to court

- Osmanova and Co. is waiting for an obscure future without luxurious ceremonies in Los Angeles and intensive communication with Russian prosecutors ...