A new scandal concerning infill development erupted in Moscow

In different areas of the city its residents are fighting for space under their windows.
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In different districts of the capital, one after another ignite conflicts over new construction plans of developers. Shopping center at the Ponds, luxury residential building on Presnya, a yacht club in Tushino and some other projects combines a misunderstanding between the residents, local authorities and developers. About how, in our time, residents are struggling with seemingly forgotten with "Luzhkov" of the point buildings, "Izvestia" told municipal deputies and members of initiative groups of districts.

The Presnensky District residents oppose the reconstruction of automatic telephone exchange building (ATC) at the Grand Georgian Street to convert it into an apartment building.

- The six-story brick building telephone exchange was built in 1970 and for many years, as well as other exchanges in Moscow MGTS - said the coordinator of the initiative group of local residents Kirill Nikitin. - Then privatized company AFK "System", was carried out technical re-PBX: analog equipment changed to digital. The need for ATS buildings eliminated, sinceplacing new equipment has been quite a few rooms.

At the same time adopted city program ATS conversion of buildings into hotels, and the company "MGTS Real Estate", tried to begin to implement this project on the Grand Georgian. But residents of nearby homes opposed, and collective effort to get to cancel the construction.

According to Nikitin, residents fear that after the settlement of a new home will increase the load on the schools and kindergartens, which are already crammed to the eyeballs. In addition, neither the place nor the building are not suitable for conversion into a house:

- Land and building are of industrial, not residential purpose. But even if you change the type of use and purpose of land, a house there is still not fit. According to the project building height will be increased from 22 to 36 m, there will be 31 apartments and a separate building elevator garage that does not fit on the site for construction standards, although envisaged of pre represented.

Municipal deputy Presnensky district Tatiana Grekhova noted that the procedure itselfsignature collection was incorrect:

- According to Town Planning Code for public hearings should be open to people who live in the district or neighborhood. In our case, we are talking about the inhabitants of cadastral quarter, but eventually left their signatures, residents and employees of organizations from around the region. Presnensky great - from the Patriarch's Ponds to the "Moscow City". And when a person prescribed or running 5 km, in the "McDonald's" or "Medsi" comes into council reserves and signature, stating that he supports the construction, it seems very suspicious.

Nepkotorye chance of winning, according to officials and developers, community members have at Presnya. A spokesman for the prefecture CAO Paul Bolshunov told "Izvestia" that if the inhabitants and MPs are against the discussion of the project will be delayed and sent for revision "in terms of correction of technical and economic indicators."

- Total Presnya will publicly discuss the eight projects - said Bolshunov. - The decision to hold the hearing takes district commission. Next ORGANISATIONXia exhibition materials for discussion and gathering opinions. Councils of Deputies make their proposals, which take into account and include the project in the city commission. All members have the right to be participants in the hearing. If the Council recommends that deputies to abandon the project, within three days of its opinion sent to the Moscomarchitecture. Position deputies, though not decisive, but it is a recommendation. Their observations are recorded in the protocol of public hearings. At present, urban policy focused on convenience and comfort of residents.

The representative of the developer, "Leader-Invest", which has the status of the sole executive body of "MGTS-Real Estate", said that while there are public hearings, no final decision was taken.

- If any of the solutions for the development of this area will be accepted, then the owner will act within the framework of existing legislation and regulation, - explained in the company.

In Tushino came other conflict related to the construction of luxury hones rest. People's Park, whose location has not agreed to any residents or municipal deputies of the district, created there, where the high-voltage transmission lines, and 10 hectares of green in the district on the banks of the Khimki Reservoir are going to give under the yacht club to the beach, restaurants, a hotel and a helicopter playground. Local residents fear that they will be deprived of access to your favorite vacation spot.

- Now is a free open green area near the water at the site of the former sports complex "labor reserves", - explained the deputy municipal district of Tushino Michael Sands. - There's a park, it is a favorite place for walks Tushinites. We very much doubt that a relaxation area with infrastructure such as the marina and helipad will be freely available. The prefect said that against the will of the people will not do anything, and promised to establish a working group, which will include residents and representatives of the prefecture, the council, the investor and municipal deputies.

The leader of the initiative group of residents of Larissa Charkovsky believes that the recreation area will be turned into a luxury residential complCEN:

- There have been attempts to build up the area, but the General Plan 2010, it is designed for recreational and sports purposes, and we have been able to defend it. Now a new project. Buildings 35 meters high, including the apartment hotel, in fact, apartments, which will be leased or sold. Everything else: yacht club, restaurants, a shopping center - but the infrastructure for high-end residential building. Not only that, just in front of the windows to build such a complex, and from the water, we also find ourselves cut off.

Vice-president of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Yury Vinogradov, who represented the developer community project "Baltic Construction Company", said that the residents there is no reason to worry:

- Unapproved of pre was introduced, which, taking into account the views of residents will make adjustments. Yacht Club is already there, but it needs renovation. In general, this project - a classic example of a public-private partnership. Already carried out cleaning of the territory, the banks will be strengthened and ennobled. At this point, will buildoeny major sports and medical center, a big club, hotel for athletes - any residential building will not be there. For residents will have free access to the water - and the 25-meter coastal zone, where nothing is built, where residents will be able to engage in any sports and walking. In any case, after the approval of the town-planning-land Commission project will be submitted for public hearings ... We are aware of the discontent of the future residents of the height of sports and medical center - and, of course, it can be reduced by 1-2 meters.

Chairman of the Bar Constantine Trapaidze sure that public hearings are formal:

- We have reduced the role of the public hearings to enabling citizens and MPs to express their views. Decisions still take power. A good example is the case of the Khimki forest, when Dmitry Medvedev ordered to suspend work on the construction of the road and to hold public hearings. As a result, all the way was well built. In Europe, especially in Germany and ckandinavskih countries, public hearingspits had a major role, it is hoped that some day it will be so in our country.

The former head of NIIP General Plan of Moscow Sergey Tkachenko believes that the concept of "infill development" is not quite correct in terms of the city, existing for centuries:

- In a city with historical buildings, any new object can be called "built-up spot." Residents will always be opposed to next to their house to build something, this is human psychology. The term "infill development" was coined during former mayor Luzhkov, although we can not say that at that time was based more objects in the existing areas than it is now, only now it is called "seal the historic fabric of the city." This is a natural development of the cities, there is nothing wrong, of course, in compliance with health and environmental legislation, the law on cultural heritage. There is nothing a priori harmful in commercial projects, because then these funds are used for the repair of roads, construction of kindergartens and clinics. Another thing is that everything should be in moderation. You must Presleysutured to the opinion of residents and, most importantly, to explain all the features of the project, all of its pros and cons.