A German trace found in thefts from Stankoimport

Head of the Russian PwC business group in Germany has been convicted in absentia in Russia.
For eight years in prison sentenced Tagansky Court in Moscow Russian head of business group auditing company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Germany Stanislaus Rogozhina. Located in the international search the lawyer found guilty of embezzlement JSC "VO" Stankoimport "", 100% owned by the state corporation "Rostec". Himself Stanislav Rogozhin told "Kommersant" that the theft has nothing to do.

44-year-old German citizen Stanislav Rogozhina court, as requested by the prosecutor, sentenced in absentia to eight years in a penal colony and a fine of 700 thousand. Rub. The court found, fraud on a large scale (ch. 4, Art. 159 of the Criminal Code) the defendant committed, together with the then CEO of one of the former flagship of Soviet foreign trade of "Stankoimport" Sagadat Habirova whose case was terminated in connection with the death in 2009 . The criminal plan matured in 2004, when Mr. Rogozhin was a lawyer in St. Petersburg and has provided legal services company "Stankoimport". Also in 2004, he moved from the Northern Capital to Germany, to the citizenOtori now and is heading in Berlin Russian business group auditing company PwC.

As established GUS TFR and Tagansky District Court, Stanislav Rogozhin and Sagadat Habirov information to the effect that in 1989 between "Stankoimport" and the German company Kunkel Wagner was signed until the end and did not implemented the contract for the supply of Abakan steel mill equipment company to pay for it could not. Before the foreign partner of a debt in the amount of 9.2 million German marks. At the same time, according to the verdict, Stanislav Rogozhin was aware that in 1993 the Russian government was going to pay with the Germans produced by JSC "Abakanvagonmash" containers. However, later "Stankoimport" recommended to do without the participation in the procedure of the state and to resolve the issue with the firm-supplier on a bilateral basis.

Meanwhile, in 1993, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated against Kunkel Wagner, and in 2001 the company was liquidated. However, in all this time no one on behalf of about debt collection in "Stankoimport" did not apply. This, toak set court, and decided to take advantage Sagadat Habirov and Stanislav Rogozhin. In particular, they falsified the additional agreement, according to which "Stankoimport" allegedly admitted voluntarily increase the amount of debt more than doubled with interest and costs. In addition, according to the investigation, an agreement was forged assignment of claims, according to which the Kunkel Wagner 16 years later sold the rights of the Swiss company SGIF debt requirements. It is established the investigation and trial, in August 2004, established Stanislav Rogozhin. That, in turn, appealed to the arbitration court in Frankfurt am Main, which decided to recover from "Stankoimport" whose interests are again represented by Stanislav Rogozhin, including penalties and fines already € 14.5 Mill. "Acting on his personal interests on a predetermined plan, abusing the trust "Stankoimport" company designated person (Habirov.- "b") and Rogozhin deliberately took no action on the appeal of the judgment in accordance with German law, "- said in the verdict.

As follows from the Court, in August 2012 the accused Rogozhin is wanted internationally, and the Prosecutor General's efforts to secure his extradition from Germany failed. The Interior Ministry "Kommersant" reported that Stanislaw Rogozhin is registered in the international database of Interpol, but his information is closed, as the initiator of the investigation - FSB.

After the verdict Stanislav Rogozhin himself called the "Kommersant", saying that the decision of the Tagansky court respects, but considers absurd. "I, as a German lawyer and then the employee law firm Coudert Brothers in Germany, performing their professional duties, working with customers (" Stankoimport ".-" b ") documents and follow his instructions as part of the arbitration. For the Swiss company, institution which I attribute to, as well as its accounts I have nothing, "- said Stanislav Rogozhin.