700 million rubles stolen during the reconstruction of the Moskvitch Plant

As part of the investigation of the case opened by the FSB, VVSK and the capital's GUP Stroyexprom companies have been raided. 
Origin source
Investigation Department of the Federal Security Service initiated a criminal case for fraud on a large scale in the reconstruction of the factory "Moskvich". This "News" said a source in the Prosecutor General's Office, citing the fact that the Office has a copy of the document. According to investigators, in the framework of the project on reconstruction of AZLK "Moskvich" in total were kidnapped at least 700 million rubles. Investigators suspected of involvement in the theft of former executives who were carrying out work on the reconstruction of the plant and get the money from the officials of Yuri Luzhkov, the team, which at that time held the post of mayor.

"If you bought paint to paint the floor, the layer will be more than a meter"

Competition for the design and reconstruction of the complex of buildings of the plant "Moskvich" at the cost of 4 billion rubles (company ceased car production in 2001) carried out in 2007. Today it is the center of production area of ​​innovative production "Technopolis Moscow". Tender won the company "Volga-Vyatka & Construction Companyraquo; (VVCC). VVCC held design, construction and installation work under the state contract, involving subcontractors and concluded several ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS. Work to accept and pay SUE "Construction and operation of industrial facilities" (SUE "Stroyexprom"). According to "Izvestia" a source from the capital budget money allocated to the Department of Science and Industrial Policy, as the mayor of the city was still Yuri Luzhkov. The funds transferred to an account at Commercial Bank "Moscow Lights" (the largest owner of the bank has been and is Roslyak Maria, daughter of the former deputy mayor of Moscow Yuri Roslyak).

The investigation revealed that in the framework of the project on reconstruction of AZLK "Moskvich" in total stolen at least 700 million rubles, says the source. That is the conclusion investigators came on the basis of expert opinions. According to the conclusion of "SIC" Construction ", estimates and estimated cost of the project are not reliable and do not correspond to the developed design documentation. For example, the overpayment on the work of fire retardant coating steel structures exceeds 267 million rubles - aboutemy and types of these works have not been substantiated in any design documentation, no cost estimates.

- The decision to institute criminal proceedings said that unidentified persons inflated volume of work performed, the flow rate of the materials used, take into account the re-execution of the same works, - says the source. - For example, in the act of acceptance of the executed works on repair of floors in the building number 5 indicates the type of flooring that is not on the approved design and estimate documentation. Thus, the total overstatement for this type of work was about 87 million rubles.

According to the source, the company paid in the amount of ink consumption, at times exceeding the norm.

- If you bought the paint to paint the floor, then the layer will be more than a meter. Oversize for this type of work order of 12.9 million rubles, - says the source.

Who will check for involvement in theft

Employee Prosecutor General said that in the first place to involvement in the crime tested the former Director General of SUE "Stroyexprom" Yuzvik Alexander, ex-CEO VVCC Vyacheslav Alexandrov and the current gndirektor VVCC Alexander Bazankov, as it is these names signed state contract, as well as a number of ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS.

Guide VVCC, the assurance of the Secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod company has failed to respond to the request of "Izvestia" due to absence from work.

- In addition to management, no comment on this issue can not, - said Secretary VVCC.

Ex-CEO "Stroyeksproma" Alexander Yuzvik now heads a key building at FSUE Russian Spetsstroy (FSUE "GUSST number 1 for Special Construction of Russia", the agency itself is responsible for the construction of facilities for the Ministry of Defense). The press service of the FSUE reported that "not ready to comment on the story, because it is not related to the current activities of Alexander Petrovich Yuzvik".

As part of the investigation of the case have already been searched in the "VVCC" Ltd. in Nizhny Novgorod, as well as the State Unitary Enterprise "Stroyexprom".

Moscow structures nod to the old boss

- We have been investigating the activities in which we have provided all the information on the reconstruction of housing number 5 in the years 2007 & ndash; 2011 years, - says CEO "Stroyeksproma" Igor Ishchenko. - Government Contract № 125 was signed in the amount of more than 4 billion rubles. This amount was allocated by the former mayor and the contractor opted Tender Committee. Our team has been working here since 2011, and one of the leaders of the past management of the company is now in the "Technopolis Moscow" does not work. Actually, I have not seen a building where there would be no complaints. On the other hand, contract acceptance commission admitted satisfied in full, the building was put into operation.

In case number 5, which was renovated, at the moment there is a congress center "Technopolis" 2164 square meters. m, in which there is a conference room, meeting rooms, show-room and lounge area.

The press service of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the City of Moscow noted that the Office team changed in 2011, therefore, comment on other people's decisions would be incorrect.

- Since 2011, the department has repeatedly tested regulatory authorities, which did not reveal violations, - said the press service.

Case on700 million - an echo of the war business

Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce Mansour Yusupov in a conversation with "Izvestia" suggested that the current investigative activity of the FSB - a continuation of the conflict between the two former partners - beneficiaries VVCC Stanislav Kotelnikov and Sergey Degtyarev. According to Yusupov, VVCC in the 2000s could receive highly successful state contracts through corruption schemes, using firm-"pads". The interviewee said that the discord between Kotelnikov and Degtyarev occurred in 2011-2012 - and in 2012, was the only beneficiary Degtyarev VVCC.

- Then CSO Ministry of Interior in the Nizhny Novgorod region (VVCC registered in the region), in my opinion, legally opened a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud") - on the grounds of raiders, but later the case was dismissed, and partners have proposed to sue in civil proceedings - Yusupov said. He hoped that the security forces will be able to unravel this case and ultimately reach the beneficiaries themselves.

Now, etc.annym register, VVCC 99% owned by the company "Paloma" Alexey Zorin, an additional 1% of the number for him personally. The source of "Izvestia" the prosecutor's office said that at the time of conclusion of the contract for the reconstruction of "Moskvich" VVCC owners were Rudolf Kotelnikov and Alevtina Nyquist parents Stanislav Kotelnikov. At the same time the source added that searches also took place in children Sergey Degtyarev - Gleb Degtyareva and Eugenia Degtyareva (previously owned VVCC).

Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin said, "Izvestia", the construction and engineering - two areas where corruption occurs most often.

- Attracting a large number of subcontractors - is the first sign of corruption schemes. Also, as a rule, are revising the contract price - initially offered the lowest price, and then it is revised upward by concluding ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS - Delyagin said. - It is obvious that in 2007 major contracts working people from the former mayor of the team, who feel protected. Now security forces startingie re-check potentially korruptsionnoemkie projects.