Liksutov Maxim


How many Liksutov sawed on transport


Deputy Sergei Sobyanin Maksim Liksutov, who, as spiteful critics assure, allegedly may be involved in the colossal "cuts" and even the work of the Izmailovskaya OCG, turned out to be the richest official of the capital city hall.

Liksutovs death row


Aeroexpress owned by Tatyana Liksutova crushes people, and Minister Maxim Liksutov regulates the transport situation.

How Russian officials get rid of business and real estate abroad


Declaration of income for 2016 will be published in the near future. In order not to violate the law, officials divorced spouses, they sell the business partners and family or transfer assets in trust.

Underground Wars: how billionaires fight for the contracts of the Moscow metro


Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev were called the "Kings of public procurement" by Forbes in 2015. How did they win the largest of their contracts?

RBC investigation: who earns on paid parking in Moscow


On December 25, a new area of ​​paid parking started to be functional in the Russian capital throughout the territory within the Third Ring Road.

Advertisement in the metro drove a wedge between the Moscow officials


The Moscow government is split over about advertising revenues in the city.