Drymanov Alexander


Denis Nikandrov laid Alexander Draymanov not in vain


The former Major-General of Justice, who gave testimony to his ex-boss, escaped the confiscation of property and was given the right to a UDO.

General Denis Nikandrov received 5.5 years in prison


The former deputy head of the GSS of the Moscow Kremlin was also deprived of the title for helping the criminal authority named Italian. Nikandrov managed to avoid a more severe punishment, having surrendered his immediate superior Alexander Drymanov to the investigation.

Ex-chief of the SSD of the TFR arrested on the testimony of General Nikandrov


The former head of the Investigative Committee for Moscow did not have a month to obtain a lawyer status, which would protect him from the upright testimony of ex-subordinates.

Former chief investigator of Moscow arrested on corruption case


He was charged with receiving a bribe from a thief in the law of Shakro the Young (Zakhary Kalashov).