Roskosmos is replaced by the commander and crew

Who will help Dmitry Rogozin pinpoint the state corporation, which is experiencing a real crisis.
On Thursday, President Vladimir Putin appointed former Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin as the general director of Roskosmos state corporation, asking him to pay attention to "strengthening the team." As it became known to Kommersant, together with Mr. Rogozin, not only some of his subordinates on the board of the military industrial complex, but also former leaders from the space industry will come to the state corporation. So, the first deputy director of Roskosmos will be ex-head of the corporation "Energy" Nikolai Sevastyanov, and the executive director for instrumentation is the ex-head of "Russian Space Systems" Yuri Urlichich. The former head of Roskosmos Igor Komarov will leave the industry, and Mr. Rogozin will be its first head under sanctions.

Information about the imminent change in the leadership of Roskosmos appeared on the eve of a series of meetings of the president with military and industry representatives (see "Kommersant" on May 15). Initially, it was assumed that Dmitry Rogozin will be appointed before May 18, but in the end, Vladimir Putin's offer to move to work in Roskosmos was made in the fields of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. "The responsibility is enormous. I will do my best to cope with this task, "Mr. Rogozin said. "We must also look at the strengthening of the team, so that this industry is headed by people who know from inside how it works. It should be good specialists, highly qualified scientists, organizers, "the president stressed.

As Kommersant was told by two sources close to the government and the leadership of Roskosmos, Mr. Rogozin plans to conduct a "point-setting" of the current team of the state corporation without insisting on its complete replacement. More changes are expected in work with enterprises, says one of the interlocutors of Kommersant: so the new director general of Roskosmos intends to build a state corporation on the principle of an operational headquarters constantly interacting with enterprises, and also to achieve the entry of private investments into their capital. Note that Mr. Rogozin - the first head of the industry, included in the sanctions lists.

First of all, we are talking about people who came to the industry in the period 2013-2018. So, with Alexei Borodin (in charge of Roskosmos capital construction), the ex-head of the state corporation was familiar with the work in AvtoVAZ, Alla Vuckovic (executive director for personnel and social policy) and Andrey Kalinovsky (director for quality and reliability) worked in the aviation industry. Tatiana Elfimova (first deputy director of economy and finance) came to Roskosmos after Sergey Kirienko left Rosatom, moving to work in the presidential administration. According to Kommersant's interlocutors in the state corporation, the first candidates for "departure" besides the listed managers are the current first deputy director of Roskosmos, Alexander Ivanov (he was appointed by the government responsible for preparing and launching the first Angolan satellite AngoSat-1, which was lost shortly after the withdrawal into orbit).

According to the source of Kommersant in the government apparatus, Mr. Rogozin has already told his entourage about the desire to appoint to the leadership of Roskosmos people from science and industry. These include, in particular, the head of the corporation Energia in 2005-2007, and now the general director of Gazprom-Space Systems Nikolai Sevastyanov, who will become the first deputy of Dmitry Rogozin. The interlocutor of "Kommersant" asserts that for the last six months they have agreed well on questions of the development of manned space exploration and rocket construction. Instrument making in the rank of executive director trusted the ex-head of the company "Russian Space Systems" Yuri Urlichich. In 2012, he left the company amid accusations by law enforcement agencies of embezzling about 6.5 billion rubles allocated to the GLONASS program by unidentified persons. He was not charged with accusations, and this allowed him to become the head of Sitronics (he is part of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov), and then to work in the analytical center under the government. Sources "Kommersant" argue that Mr. Rogozin considers him an able engineer, who needs to give a chance "for rehabilitation."

The executive director of "Roskosmos" on combat missile issues will be General Oleg Frolov: in 2012-2013 he was the first deputy head of the Federal Space Agency (then he was led by Vladimir Popovkin), and then he headed the space council with Mr. Rogozin. Executive Director for Administrative Affairs will be the first deputy head of the board of the military-industrial complex Ivan Kharchenko. All of them will still wear a prefix "and. about. ", because they still have to approve nabsovet" Roskosmos ". In the meantime, Mr. Rogozin appointed Alexander Besed as the head of his staff: they worked together in the White House.

According to Kommersant sources in Roskosmos, the official presentation of the new head of the state corporation will take place on Monday. After that, Mr. Rogozin will look at the remaining candidates and determine their functionality.