Reputation is almost not affected

The former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov has been given back the seized money and expects to get a new appointment.   
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Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the "stuffing" in the media about the searches of the former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov. The main customs Russia, despite the forced departure from the post, received all the money back and getting ready to take a new position. Many journalists who participated in the great Vladimir Putin's press conference, memorable question regarding "demonstration" of corruption cases. Actually, not a question, and the answer that he gave to the president.

Journalist on the example of the case of Alexei Ulyukayev asked the head of state, not become any recent high-profile corruption cases revealing. According to Putin, the media "stuffing" of information about the various investigative measures, which include searches, is unacceptable. Active raising of these topics in the media is detrimental to the reputation of any person. Responding to a question, the President recalled the searches of the former head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, in respect of which, according to the head of state, "and the case-it was not."

Perhaps by "an injection of" the president understands the released pictures, of which the general public has learned that the money keeps the head of the Federal Customs Service for some reason not in the safe, and shoe boxes. Presumably, the photos were "merged" the FSB, which accompanied the investigation.

Recall searches of the then head of the Federal Customs Service were held on 26 July. Information about investigative activities was extremely small, only the UK reported that they were held in the framework of investigation of cases of illegal movement across the border of elite alcohol. After Belianinov searches, and so to leave, he wrote in his resignation, which was accepted. By the way, after a while he got back the confiscated money and valuables. According to "Kommersant", soon the former head of the Federal Customs Service can take a good position. Perhaps Putin prefaced his statement appointment Belianinov and made it clear that it does not have to any claims.

Indeed, according to "contraband" Belianinov case from beginning to end it was held as a witness. Illegal shipments, according to the investigation, the head of the holding has organized the "Forum" Dmitry Mihalchenko and "translate arrows" at the customs officers tried one of his partners, who decided to deal with the investigation. After a hasty departure from office Belianinov FCS headed by Vladimir Bulavin. Despite appearing to customs matters in the end of July, the government said that it would not entail a change of plans for the department: the question of the existence of the Federal Customs Service as a separate service is not worth it.