Panoramic wheel at VDNKh will be built by a State Duma deputy's family

GC "Regions", owned by the family of State Duma deputy Zelimkhan Mutsoev, become an investor of a new panoramic wheel at VDNKh. The project will cost 14 billion rubles, which is comparable to the famous London Eye.
Origin source
Sunk to ENEA

Investor construction of the new ferris wheel, which will be built at ENEA instead demolished in the summer, will be a group of companies "Regions". Its owners are the sons of a State Duma deputy from the party "United Russia" Zelimkhan Mutsoeva - Amiran Mutsoeva and Alex, as well as their uncle Amirhan Mori. Name the new investor is contained in the investigation of anti-corruption policy of the Centre (DAC) "Apple", which is at the disposal of RBC.

The authors found that the firm of "Wheel-ENEA" was recorded June 21, 2016. According to the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Entities) company 100% owned by Amiran Zelimhanovichu Mutsoeva. The list of her activities listed entertainment activities, construction, dismantling and demolition of buildings, construction and installation of construction, leasing and management of real estate and others. Ltd. "Wheel-ENEA" is registered at the same address with the group of companies "Region" (Moscow, per. Milutinsky, 12) and a single with her phone.

Chapter DAC Sergei Mitrokhin told RBC, ThuI intend to apply to the FAS and the Prosecutor's Office to conduct an audit on the subject of corruption component.

Public Relations Director of GC "Regions" Xenia Terentyev-Churlina, which is also responsible for communication with the media of "Wheel-ENEA," confirmed RBC correspondent information that "Wheel-ENEA" will be engaged in the construction of the Ferris wheel, refusing to disclose conditions of the project.

"We are not the only participants in the process, there is still ENEA and the Moscow city government, which is in charge of everything, so you need to reconcile this with all participants", - added Terentyev-Churlina.

What will be the project investor GC "Regions", and reiterated the familiar Mutsoeva.

Telephone Director General of ENEA Catherine Pronicheva was unavailable. The press service of the City Hall and the Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow confirmed the receipt of the RBC issues, but found it difficult to say when will be able to answer them.

In the evening on Tuesday the press office of ENEA issued a press release in which it confirmed the participation in the project of the Civil Code, "Regions". The message indicates that the heightnew wheel will reach 140 meters and the investment group - 12 billion rubles.

As in London

The Company may invest in the project about 14 billion rubles. It was the sum estimated the cost of the project developers of the concept of ENEA - LLC "Tsentsiper" Ilya Oskolkov-Tsentsiper and consulting company Strategy Partners Group, wrote "Vedomosti". This compares with the famous London Eye, the British capital. Dimensions and constructions are the same.

The fact that the new wheel will be twice as old (75 m), in June, said the head of the Moscow Committee for the implementation of investment projects in construction and supervision of participatory construction (Moskomstroyinvest) Konstantin Timofeev. According to him, the height of the new building will be 135 meters. It is located to the left of the southern entrance to the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the pavilion №7 «seeds». In addition to the wheels in an entertainment complex will include a cinema, a wax museum, and themed souvenir shops, catering area, cash pavilions, wardrobe and covered the city promenade, said the report on the Committee website.

From point of viewbusiness, such projects are profitable enough and quickly pay for themselves, the president of the Russian Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, General Director of OOO "Company World", owned demolished in June Ferris wheel at ENEA, Vladimir Gnezdilov. "We offered the city authorities to build a tire height of 150 m on our technology for € 20 million (1.4 billion rubles at the current rate.) - Says Gnezdilov. - At the same time our wheel would be the spokes, which is much safer than the built in London for the cabling technology wheel London Eye 135 meters in height worth £ 70 million. "

According to estimates, "World" director general, annual attendance modern ferris wheel height of 150 m would have amounted to about 2 million people. With the average price of the entrance ticket of 500 rubles. Revenue is estimated at about 1 billion rubles. in year. Taking into account the cost of the services offered by the company Gnezdilova wheel would be paid back in two to three years.

Since the use of domestic technology, city authorities have decided to give up, investors are likely to turn to the engineers who designed London Eye, said Gnezdilov. « In this case, the project will pay off not less than ten years ", - experts predict.

The rich rentiers

At the end of 2015 GC "Regions" owners took ninth place in the ranking of the largest Russian investor, according to Forbes. Their income from the rental of commercial real estate amounted to $ 250 million The total amount of retail space in the portfolio -. 496 thousand sq. M. m, has 143 sq. m. m accounts for warehouses.

near future

According to the development concept of ENEA near the new Ferris wheel is the so-called Future Park area of ​​35 hectares. There will be rides using multimedia devices, video projections and interactive simulators. Investments are estimated at 60 billion rubles.

Previously, "Vedomosti" wrote that invest and manage part of the object - an amusement park, a Ferris wheel, an educational center and a children's camp - to a private investor. His candidacy has not been determined.

Group of companies "Regions" have demonstrated an interest in the construction of amusement parks. In November last year MinisRiver Culture of Russia Vladimir Medina, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Amiran Mutsoev presented the project theme park "Island Dream" in Nagatinsky floodplain, where most of the characters have to make a hero of the Soviet cartoons. Three years ago, the park was a different concept: it was planned to open a theme park DreamWorks. The project worth $ 1.5 billion to be completed in 2018. Also, GC "Regions" plans to build theme parks in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.