Ministry of Defense funds went to the restaurant business in the US

The Military Investigation Office of the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of the criminal case against Andrey Beltov, the former advisor to former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and the head of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of Economy, Informatics and Control System" belonging to th military.
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He is accused of stealing more than 500 million rubles of budgetary funds. According to the UK, part of this amount went to the development of the restaurant business in the US Beltov.

As reported by "Rosbalt" a law enforcement source, the charges brought against the final version of Andrew Beltov, his former deputy at the Central Research Institute EISU Dmitry Ostrovsky and CEO of JSC "Universal-Aero" Michael Styskinu. They were charged with several episodes of criminal activity specified in part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale). Now the accused get acquainted with the materials of the investigation, after which it will go to the approval of the prosecutor. As part of the new case management FSUE announced a civil lawsuit in the amount of 506 million rubles. In Beltov, according to the UK, all assets are mainly in the United States, therefore arrest them problematic. But Dmitry Ostrovsky prefer to invest in Russia. As a result of the arrest was effected on his account in the bank (for a total amount of 330 million rubles), land, houses, etc. The total amount of these funds and property should "pay off" the amount of damage.

According torsii investigation, the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense EISU had a government contract to perform development work on the development of communication systems in the aircraft lifting means. The Institute is headed Beltov Andrei and Dmitry Ostrovsky, under the pretext of state contract execution, attracted as subcontractors, a number of structures, including JSC "Universal-Aero". All they had to carry out research and other work. These firms, in turn, connected to the work of others, including related to the Russian-American company e (RAMEK), closely related to Beltov. Thus, some of the money for the research work was translated in the United States. In fact, investigators believe, all these firms, no work was carried out. Dmitry Ostrovsky gave orders subordinates to issue false documents about the alleged studies performed by third parties that gave rise to enumerate them hundreds of millions of rubles.

It is noteworthy that, according to the RF IC, the Belts stolen budget funds invested in your restaurant business in the US and in the purchase of real estate in the floorth country. Moreover, in the course of the investigation it was found that in 2008 the Belts granted a residence permit in the United States. Despite this, he was appointed general director of the "closed" institution and had access to secret documents.

Lawyers for former adviser Serdyukov insist on his innocence. In their version, in 2010, he sent the US authorities an application for refusal of a residence permit in the country. A budget money transferred JSC "Universal-Aero" and US firms "not for the purpose of theft, and according to the agreements concluded during the performance of the state contract." As advocates argue subpordryadchiki carried out all the work paid by the CRI.

Andrew Beltov considered a man of the near environment of the former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. Among its business partners appear people in 1990, is engaged in furniture business in St. Petersburg. As you know, Anatoly Serdyukov, his career began as director of a furniture store. In 2001, Serdyukov became chief UMNS in St. Petersburg, and this control is immediately entered into several contracts with the company RAMEK,and 60% owned by Beltov. In particular - the creation of a corporate network contract for the Office of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (UMNS). It is worth noting that by the time 40% owned RAMEK American fund to promote the diversification of Russian defense industries Defense Enterprise Fund.

When Serdyukov led MNF-FTS (2004-2007 biennium), RAMEK regularly received orders already from these departments. In 2007, Serdyukov became Defense Minister, the Belts and soon was promoted to adviser to the head the defense department. Then he decision of the Minister of Defense was appointed CEO of CRI EISU.

The criminal case of theft in the Research Institute was opened in October 2013, at the same time Beltov Ostrovsky and taken into custody. Styskina were not sent to prison, because he cooperated with the investigation.