Is there "The Alfa Group" behind the "Navalny project"?

In recent years, according to the opposition, Alexet Navalny is more and more pressed by "The Alfa Group" through the scandalously famous Vladimir Ashurkov, who is considered to be an unofficial sponsor of Navalny.
According to experts, Ashurkov sponsoring the opposition Navalny activity in the interests of the principal owner "Alfa Group" Mikhail Fridman (and possibly to "alfovskie" money). In this case, in fact, it Ashurkov permission from Friedman in secrecy coordinates the activities of Navalny as a skilled puppeteer, yanking the strings of his puppets.

"Bulk" project - a political creation "Alfa Group"?

As is known, the so-called "Bulk" project has a lot of secrets and mysteries. At the same time they are not associated with the very opposition Alexei Navalny, as such! After all, most political scientists concerned about the issue, so who is it that is behind Navalny. Moreover, the expert community has long been rumors appear that the main patron and sponsor Navalny is holding "Alfa Group" Mikhail Fridman.

But, of course, almost the official point of view of Russian political circles believed that Navalny is for the US State Department. What - this version is indeed partly true, with the only difference being that the actual sponsors Navalny muchmore than the notorious State Department. Just in time Navalny took money from the Americans openly. After all, once an aspiring politician Navalny very actively collaborated with the American "National Endowment for Democracy." "The cookies" from the United States in its attached financial report was not so much - only 23 000 euros. However, this is only the official money, as most of the amounts received to Navalny, so to speak, informally!

But, of course, the US budget - can not be called a major "purse Navalny", because in the ranks of the opposition believe that in fact one of the main sponsors of Navalny is a former director of the management and control of assets CTF HoldingsLtd, the management company of the consortium "Alpha-Group" Vladimir Ashurkov! Rather, Ashurkov is not only a sponsor, but also kind of "conductor money," Navalny secret coming from the "Alfa Group".

Living up to "Alpha"

By the way, as noted by Ashurkov and as a member of the Supervisory Board of X5 RetailGroup NV, although Ashurkova term of office on the supervisory board X5 RetailGroup already expired in aRedin June 2012. According to, the official biography Ashurkova, as part of the Supervisory Board of X5 RetailGroup he headed the Committee for Strategy and also served on the audit committee.

Thus, Vladimir Lvovich is no stranger to engage in strategy - both commercial and political!

Prior to "Alpha" Ashurkov served as deputy director of the department of investment banking services to the company "Renaissance Capital", then the CFO Sea Port of St. Petersburg, after two years he served as president of LLC "National Container Company" (Sea Port of St. Petersburg ).

And after his "adventure peterburzhskikh" Ashurkov was CEO of TransCare, which was engaged in consulting in the field of logistics and transport. By the way, with "TransCare" Vladimir L. has been actively working with foreigners, because one of the founders (50%) initially made a German national Ralf Erich Jahnke. In 2006 he transferred his share of the German Joint Stock Company «TraysCareAG», owned by faktichesIt is.

And here is another founder TransCare with a share of 50% was made by himself Ashurkov, who until June 2005 and served as CEO. However, why do we need all these were throwing with the change of shareholders and work abroad? !! Evil tongues say that this factor helped Ashurkova not only with the withdrawal of funds abroad and the alleged evasion, but also to ensure that it is rumored that establish the work to offshore companies and foreign companies.

Foreign lobbyist or "grand strategist"?

It seems that the experience of working with foreign agencies was the foundation through which Ashurkov with time after work in TransCare, as well as working as Vice President of Strategic Planning Ltd. "Industrial Investors" moved to the post of Director of the management and control of assets CTF HoldingsLtd, the management company of the consortium "Alpha-Group". But in the "Alpha", as we know, "American lobbyists" type Ashurkova and bulk valued particularly highly!

As you can see from the professional activity Ashurkov most of his working life etc.holy communion with foreign business. Moreover, he could not even protect a diploma at the Faculty of Physical and Quantum Electronics MIPT specialty "engineer-physicist" !!!

But already in the third year MIPT, young Vladimir Ashurkov acted in parallel in the evening two-year business program of the American Institute of Business and Economics, which is why in the eyes of public opinion, he was the "Americanist".

By the way, this program he took a summer internship abroad in the company of Pepsico, and after graduation, won a grant under the program "Muskie" for studies at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in "Finance". During the training was an intern at the Moscow office of the company BostonConsultingGroup. In 1996, he received an MBA.

Here, by the way, there is one important aspect - the whole point is that the Americans will never give their grants for a reason. After all, they are investing finance only those who can be useful to them! In fact, it is something akin to the recruitment, so it is unlikely Ashurkov so much time spent in the United States, did not, after all the money invested in it "US agent of influence "!

"Americanists" Russian business

And here it is not necessary to be surprised that the Americans are investing not only in the Russian opposition politicians, but also in the domestic liberal business!

So, for example, the same Navalny was trained at Yale University in the US training program «YaleWorldFellows», aimed at building a network of new world leaders.

But with him on the same program at Yale was trained Dashko Karina, now works as the head of corporate management department in "Rusal" Oleg Deripaska.

So, as you can see, the pro-Western orientation of Russian oligarchs willing to take to himself "in the service" of those who have close ties with the United States or American education. Experts call this "Americanization of Russia's economic and political elite"

The history of "political love"

Therefore there is nothing strange about the "remarkable coincidences" in the fate Ashurkova and Navalny. After all, according to analysts, is theto somehow found themselves in the service of the owner "Alfa Group" Mikhail Fridman, with the only difference being that Ashurkov worked on "Alpha" officially, but Navalny so to speak "in secret."

At the same time there is a version that Navalny to the team Ashurkova mishandled Friedman himself, who then, according to rumors, and became a major "financial guardian" the leader of the Russian non-system opposition (as in his time, "the disgraced oligarch" Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Ed.). Anyway, this is the conclusion can be drawn based on the analysis of the correspondence Navalny and Ashurkova!

From this correspondence can be established that Ashurkov was introduced in "Navalny project" in the interests of shareholders "Alfa Group". During the first months of the shareholders were sizing to the policy of a businessman and did not advertise itself, and decided to open collaboration with 2010. Formally, a top manager left the "Alpha" Only in 2012, however, judging by the letters, the chairman Mikhail Fridman of the Supervisory Board was informed of the work his deputy with Navalny in November of 2010.

Moreover, all indications areThat it was Friedman "mishandled" Ashurkova to Navalny, to build a reliable (and, most importantly, secret) system of sponsorship only opposition politician who is able to become the leader of all Russian "dissidents". As it turned out, also in contact with the opposition Arkady Dvorkovich, Sergei Guriev, Sergei Aleksashenko, Viktor Vekselberg and other representatives of "systemic liberals." At the same time, the beginning of 2011, as we approach the "decoupling" the question of the "second time", the correspondence between them has become much more active.

However, if we analyze the letter Navalny detail, it is obvious that it is a Ashurkova he corresponded often! So it is quite logical that at some point became commonplace Ashurkov manipulate Navalny, who was largely transformed into "a major political weapon" Ashurkova! As they say, "who treats the girl, her, and dancing." Obviously, with these "financial and political manipulation" and began a tight interaction with Ashurkova bulk!

There will be money - will be the opposition
<br /> However, we can not say that Ashurkov embedded in "Bulk" project because of the ambitious intentions to help the motherland. After all, he, at first, gets the benefit of Mikhail Fridman control of the leader of the Russian non-system opposition (the founder of the new political elite), and secondly, he thanks Navalny becomes politically well-known figure, but in the third, becomes for the "Alfa Group" the most powerful weapon in the corporate wars! Not for nothing at the beginning of the joint work Navalny campaigned against the IPO "Rusal", which was interested in some of the shareholders of the partners "Alfa Group".

However, in order to project "Bulk" could smash as enemies of Ashurkova and opponents of the "Alfa Group", Mr. Ashurkov "poured" into the project a lot of "bubble", which was probably part of a sponsorship Navalny on line Mikhail Fridman!

So, for example, Ashurkov was one of the founders of the party "People's Alliance", which still Navalny promises to join. Well known fact, that the creation of the "Fund of struggle against corruptionIa "Vladimir Ashurkov" he brought "the cashier Organization 300 000 rubles, becoming, in effect, a guide those huge sums, which in a circle Navalny called" voluntary contributions of concerned citizens. " However, due Ashurkova guide "Alpha" is quite comparable with the millions who Navalny was forced to light in the course of the election campaign for mayor of Moscow.

In general, a former candidate for mayor of Moscow from the RPR-Parnas Alexei Navalny has spent on his campaign 98.9 million rubles with total donations of RUB 103.4 million. But I could not even bring it to the second round. But, according to some, his "unspoken sponsors" (including, according to rumors, and Friedman himself) is through Ashurkova secretly transferred millions of dollars Navalny

This raises a logical question: "Is it true that Mr (or is already Mr) Ashurkov takes the so-called" commissions "from the sponsor transfers Navalny? !!" And, really, Vladimir Ashurkov in "krysyatnichaet" secret Mikhail Fridman !!?

But in the integrity of Navalny supporters nelGia be sure!

To verify this, we must remember the scandal about how the ex-chief of staff Navalny Leonid Volkov came to Luxembourg to trade secrets stolen 3D-Russian defense.

Apparently, all Navalny colleagues very active trade in their homeland. Interestingly, and for how much sold Ashurkov? !!

The investigation does not sleep. TFR suspects Ashurkova?

However, the Russian investigators, rumored to have been able to expose the scheme and Ashurkova bulk! So in February 2013 by the then head of the Fund for the fight against corruption a member of the so-called Coordinating Council opposition Alexei Navalny - and a member of the same council - Vladimir Ashurkova came with a search warrant investigators. As stated in the SC, searches were carried out for the detection and seizure of documents relevant in the case of the alleged consequence of the theft of money belonging to the party "Union of Right Forces."

Investigative Committee opened a criminal investigation into the theft of company owned Navalny "Allectus" money SPS party December 24, 2012. This case wasallocated from the criminal case of embezzlement in "Kirovles", which Navalny has already been convicted. Interestingly, and in the case of theft of the SPS budget Navalny condemned with Ashurkova? !! It is not just the same as the investigators arranged Vladimir L. searches? !!

However, this is not the only financial scandal, which binds Navalny and Ashurkova. In fact, according to rumors, it is with the filing of Vladimir Ashurkova was built bypass scheme of financing of the official account of the candidate for mayor Alexei Navalny.

Then the Interior Ministry revealed that "an activist campaign headquarters KS Jankauskas got through "Yandex-purse" of 5 million rubles. Of these, 1 million he transferred to the account of the candidate for mayor of Moscow, and 4 - at his own expense in one of the banks. There is evidence of involvement in the same pattern of other activists of the candidate. Checking the assignment of information VL Ashurkova 2 million. 270 thousand rubles, and NN Lyaskinym - 790 000 "

"Alpha" "bought" Navalny?

As it is known, is now set his sights on Navalny Moscow City Duma elections, which will flood dozens of candidates from the "People'salliance. "

Of course, here Ashurkov will be responsible for party finances. However, the Moscow police say that if the campaign "Navalny friends" will be the same number of violations to the collection of funds, as at the very Navalny in mayoral campaign, in the end, Ashurkova jailed for fraud. It consequently considers that it "rules" all financial Navalny, as well as their own controls, and it allocates sponsorship revenue (including, and from the "Alfa Group" - Ed.)!

By the way, judging by correspondence Navalny and Ashurkova, hacked Hull, it is clear that Ashurkov Navalny wrote the following: "Do Foundation - distribute the dough. I told you twenty-year promise to myself. "

I wonder if previously Ashurkov Navalny promised twenty (probably millions) per year, the number of "Alfa-Group" through Ashurkova pays the leader of the Russian non-system opposition now? !! And how much money "sponsorship" is in the pockets of Ashurkova in the form of "commission" ?!

It is unlikely that we will know the answers to these questions, but one thing is absolutely sure. right nowne of the main sources of funding of Navalny is precisely the "Alfa Group"! And this fact is beyond doubt !!!