Billions buried under the asphalt: who's coining money on roads in the Moscow region

In the coming years almost 2 trillion rubles will be spent on roads in the Moscow region. Who would get the money?
Origin source

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June, President Vladimir Putin made a surprise royal gift small community of major Russian businessmen, engaged in road construction. Finish work on the APEC project almost completed the construction of the Olympic Sochi, and seemed to be dried up a huge flow of budget money, through which many seriously increased their state. "National Welfare Fund can not spend, the money should work for future generations, for projects that change the face of the country", - said the president and allowed to send 450 billion rubles from the fund for road projects. This money will be spent on development of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the construction of highway Moscow - Kazan, as well as the project of the Central Ring Road (Ring Road) in the Moscow region.

Moscow is first in line to receive money. In August, before the election of the governor of the Moscow region government decided that in the next five years will be spent on the development of road infrastructure 1.8 trillion rubles. Of this amount for the construction of roads, moComrade, interchanges and overpasses will be allocated more than 300 billion rubles a year. Who is engaged in road construction in the suburbs and who shed it this additional cash flow?

Cash flow

Moscow - a vast and much poorer region than Moscow. Infrastructure construction is developing differently than in the capital, and market participants had to be creative. Most of passing through the territory of the Moscow region 14 federal roads is run by "Rosavtodor" state agency. Trails "Belarus", "Ukraine" and "Don" and three under construction (bypassing Odintsovo, Ring Road and the toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg) manages the state-owned "Avtodor". Other roads are subordinate to the region itself and the municipalities.

In 2012, for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of regional and inter-municipal roads The Moscow region had to spend 46.8 billion rubles, but only 20.5 billion rubles were spent on the fact. The main reason - lack of promisingnnogo funding from the federal budget. Costs CC "Avtodor" on the plans were to make 136 billion rubles, in fact turned out 81.1 billion, of which about 13 billion rubles went to two regional concession object and design of CRR. How much money went through a "Road Service" is not clear, but in the plans for 2013 for the construction and reconstruction of the suburban routes Agency plans to allocate 24.6 billion rubles - is unlikely in 2012, this amount was higher.

It turns out that for the development of approximately 15,000 suburban road about 60 billion rubles has been spent in the past year. The funding will grow just five times. "We expect that in 2014, after the elections in the Moscow region, will unfold large-scale construction work", - CEO anticipates "Mostotrest" Vladimir Vlasov. The company, one of the largest building contractors in the country, owned by Arkady Rotenberg and managers "N-Trans" Nikita Mishin, Konstantin Nikolaev and Andrey Filatov. Apart from these, in the suburbs already working Gennady Timchenko's company, Ziyaudina Magomedov and Ziyad Manasira (see. InfogAfikim).

In Khimki through the Champs Elysees

In 2006, at the Elysee Palace in Paris held a ceremony, one consequence of which was a surge of political protests in Russia a few years later. September 22 in the presence of Vladimir Putin, Minister of Transport Igor Levitin and President of the largest French company Vinci, Yves-Thibault de Silguy signed a cooperation agreement. The French government pledged to help Russia to put into practice a year ago adopted the law on concessions. The famous road through the Khimki forest starts at the Champs-Elysees.

According to the law on concessions (the form of public-private partnership), privately owned concessionaire takes part in the financing of infrastructure construction in exchange for obtaining the right to continue its use. For example, the right to collect money for travel on the toll road. Vinci then marked their special interest in the project of building a new highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Igor Levitin, by the time the second year working the Minister of Transport, and before that he worked for many years Dr.znye positions in the company "Severstaltrans" (later renamed in "N-Trans"). Interestingly, it was in June 2006, on the eve of the signing of the agreement at the Elysee Palace, another native of structures "Severstaltransa" Vladimir Vlasov headed a large construction company "Mostotrest" and his former colleague Oleg Tanana joined the board of directors of this company. Together with them seats on the board of directors "Mostotrest" received Georgy Bogachev Koryashkin and Irina, the staff of the company "EnPiVi-Engineering" (in its board of directors includes the last seven years the son of Arkady Rotenberg Igor).

Rothenberg in an interview with Forbes said he was the owner of the shares in "Mostotrest" by buying it from Michael Abyzova structures and Abizov appeared in the company since 2007. However, in the same interview sparring partner of Vladimir Putin in judo he assured that with the co-owner of "Severstaltransa" Filatov tried to persuade the French from Vinci to enter his concession company: "For us it was important that there was such a partner as they [Vinci]. Because they know how to do it, how to serve. "

Dveof concession

In September 2007, "Rosavtodor" has announced an open tender for the construction of the first section of the route Moscow - St. Petersburg (15-58 km). Then it was assumed that the concessionaire will invest 7.7 billion rubles of its own funds and attract 28.9 billion borrowed and the government will allocate 29.5 billion rubles. In order to recoup the investment, the concessionaire receives the right to collect tolls for nearly 30 years.

Rothenberg and French Vinci participated in the competition through the "North-West Concession Company" (SZKK). Call it threw "Capital tract", among which the owners also did not have random people. Masters of the company were CJSC "Leader" bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk owner, "Stroygazkonsalting" Ziyad Manasira and foreign contractors. "Rosavtodor" awarded victory SZKK. "It's a shame it was not, - said a source close to the consortium of the loser - even though we only spent on the project documentation for over 100 million rubles."

The owners of "Capital tract", too, is not left without any money. In 2009, the same shareholders, butthrough another concessionaire company "main road", received the right to build the 18.5 km "Odintsovo Bypass", a new exit on the Moscow Ring Road from the highway M-1 "Belarus". toll road project in the vicinity of the prestigious Rublevki estimated at 32.4 billion rubles, 11 billion of which will provide the Investment Fund of Russia. In addition, the state should have his own expense to build several interchanges and, as is the case with the route Moscow - St. Petersburg, to provide land.

State guarantees, pension funds and pipelayers Zapolyarniy

The first two in the recent history of Russian concession project - Rothenberg with partners and Kovalchuk - Manasira with partners - have developed very similar. The composition of the two consortia were large construction company "Mostotrest" and "Canon" (90% - subsidiary of "Stroygazkonsaltinga"). That is, participants earned on the concession itself, and in the construction contract. As a general contractor, "Mostotrest" was contracted to 48.4 billion rubles, "Canon" -. To 25.2 billion long-term funds attracted by the concessionaires, pzmeschaya bonded loans of 10 billion (20 years) and 16 billion rubles (18 years). Bonds SZKK bought VEB, and the "main road" - she Criminal Code "Leader".

Guarantor for the first issue of bonds "main road" was the company Manasira "Stroygazkonsalting-North" and in the Prospectus faithfully lists 618 affiliated units of equipment - excavators, welding systems, stackers, trucks, operating in the Arctic and on the Yamal Peninsula. And in the next issue of the paper and SZKK Ministry of Finance issued a state guarantee, which allows you to invest in such bonds are pension funds. When in 2010 the number of participants of the project came the EBRD and the European Industrial Bank, Sberbank and VEB opened three months' North-West Concession Company "credit line of 29 billion rubles.

Both the concessionaire does not fit into the time frame with the commissioning of projects. "Odintsovo Bypass" had "to go" back in 2012 - now it is already the beginning of 2014. Opening of the first section of the new highway M-11, is also postponed for a year (in part because of the scandal over the Khimki Forest). "On segodnyashny day builders are facing difficulties, the problem is in the implementation of the client (the state -. Forbes) its obligations to liberate the territory ", - says Vladimir Vlasov care of" Mostotrest ". Representatives of the "main road" and "Stroygazkonsaltinga" declined to comment, but in informal conversations they say the same thing: the state customer does not have time to release portions, hence the simple technique, the extra costs and missed deadlines.


Land litigation

Customer in both suburban concession stands set up in 2010, the state company "Avtodor". The basis of arbitration courts of the data currently recorded 1080 cases with its participation. Most associated with disputes over land for construction of roads. "Avtodor" has to buy them from private owners or to negotiate with the different branches of power.

Formally, the law is on the side of the government customer, but in practice there is everyone. For example, Ltd. "Enterprises SESM" received notice of withdrawal Suppliesaschego his land for the needs of the toll road and turned in Rosreestr and has made the elimination of records that portion of such boundaries exist. On the cadastral map, he disappeared, and "Avtodor" have nothing to collect.

KSHP "Khimki" has transferred part of its territory to the state for the construction of the highway, but now requires the "Avtodor" Congress built on the remainder of the land. To build such conventions can not be on the highway, but "Khimki" have proved in court that different to their land does not reach.

Finally, the most common option - a mismatch count. Ltd. "Biotech", the owner of the plot of 7.7 ha, refused to transfer it to the state for the proposed 139 million rubles. The court ordered his examination in a few months the expert called the new price - 380 million rubles. Among other things, "Avtodor" will now have to pay for the expert work of 145,000 rubles.

According to the "Avtodor", according to the court is taken about 10% of the sites, with the other owners can not agree.

Sudden billions

Until recently, the majorbusiness is not interested in the operation of roads. Roads and service companies had the status of their strategic targets, and the state does not hurry with privatization. How many will earn in cleaning, marking, snow removal and patching holes? Therefore, in every region of the contracts for these works - often 2-3 million rubles a year - state clients partitioned between middle-sized state the road maintenance companies.

Everything began to change last year. September 21, 2012 the company with the strange name "National Industrial and Trade Chamber" (BART) won just seven tenders for road maintenance. All competitions conducted the federal state-owned institution "Tsentravtomagistral" division "Federal Road Agency" for the Central region. The total amount of contracts exceeded 17 billion rubles - an unprecedented amount for such contracts and huge money for BART, the proceeds of which in 2010 amounted to only 217 million rubles.

The two competitions of the seven competitors "Chamber" were not allowed at all, and in two it was the only bidder. It is noteworthy that from the beginningand in 2012 CEO and from the middle of the year and was co-owner of BART Valery Dorgan, who had over 12 years as head of the customer, "Tsentravtomagistral".

Energetic professional

"Valery - one of the most respected people in the industry, he is a professional, very honest and very energetic man," - says CEO "Mostotrest" Vladimir Vlasov. "Mostotrest" has become a partner of this respected man on the eve of competitions by 17 billion buying 60% BART from its former owners for 510 million rubles.

Dorgan started his career in 1978 as a senior engineer in the Central Highway Administration, in 1985 went to Odintsovo DRSU-13, which served Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. In 1998, the Dorgan called head "Tsentravtomagistral". Now the road to the "ruble" in charge of his son Victor. In 2005, Valery Dorgan defended his thesis on "Optimal planning of the elimination winter slipperiness non-urban roads."

"After Valery dorguana ended contract for the civil service, we made him an offer and he accepted ", - says Vladimir Vlasov. Why "Mostotrest" needed to invite him to buy BART? The company decided to create a service division to study include roads that are under her control, Vlasov said. In early 2010 he came to Dorgan "Mostotrest" Deputy Director of Marketing. In "Mostotrest" is not able to organize a meeting with Dorganom, saying that he "lives" on the objects. Dorgan is still a shareholder of "National Industrial Chamber of Commerce," which is now called "Mostotrest service."

Vlasov did not see a conflict of interest in the transition of the former official in a private company and an instantaneous increase in orders (backlog) of the company on the order, though recognizes the relationship of these events. The company did not deny that one of the reasons why they are so powerfully started in the service sector was the arrival Dorgan.

Start really impressive. In the I half of 2013 the share of service contracts in the backlog "Mostotrest"Increased from 1% to 9%, and revenue - from 1% to 8%. Revenue "Mostotrest" of service contracts on the highway M-1 "Belarus" M-3 "Ukraine" and the M-4 "Don" was 3.4 billion. The company has invested in the purchase of equipment 400 million rubles, the state is now more than 1,000 people. Vlasov argues that margins in this business segment is not lower than in the construction and installation works.

New Moscow Ring

The largest road project in the Moscow region - Central Ring Road (CRR). Until 2018 it should be built 319 km of the total 512 km. The cost of this first phase - 300 billion rubles, and for the sake of it, Putin allowed to print a jug National Welfare Fund. SWF to allocate 150 billion rubles, 74 billion rubles will give the federal budget, the remaining funds should attract investors.

In 2008, the contract for the design of Ring Road worth 8.8 billion rubles won the institute "Soyuzdorproekt". Previously, he participated in the design of the Moscow Ring Road, close to cooperating with AFK "Sistema" Vladimir Yevtushenko Ltd. "Organizer". Judging by the list of affiliated persons of the InstituteIn 2009, 50% of the shares "Soyuzdorproekt" belonged "Mostotrest" and its subsidiaries, "Corporation" ETS ".

Vlasov says that the transaction is half of the shares has not been completed and now his company is not a shareholder of the institute. Now, these 50% of the shares "Soyuzdorproekt" belong to the two Cypriot offshore companies. In the institute's board of directors consists of two representatives of the above-mentioned "EnPiVi Engineering" Arkady Rotenberg.

Of the three giant infrastructure projects, about which Putin spoke at the St. Petersburg forum, Ring Road - the oldest and most prepared: for it was already approved project documentation. At the same time he is the most controversial.

"The shop was covered"

One day in December 2011 in "Soyuzdorproekt" Tokmakova family house in the alley appeared taciturn people from the FSB. "They came at 8 am, was told that a criminal case on fraud. I asked, "Where have stolen something," and I was told that there was nothing to explain will not, "- recalls in an interview with Forbes gendirektp institute Andrey Eremin. Meanwhile, another three days before the "Soyuzdorproekt" and its contractors bank accounts were arrested. What was the reason for the arrest? FSB interested in one of the contractors of "Spetsmetroproekt".

Only large contractors from "Soyuzdorproekt" There were about two dozen. For example, archaeological survey conducted LLC "RAU-University", JSC "CRR" - led land and cadastral works. "Spetsmetroproekt" was responsible for the geo-ecological research - studying the impact of construction on the environment. A former employee of the company told of Forbes, it specifically for the Ring Road project in December 2008. "Spetsmetroproekt" rented office near the metro station "University", bought equipment, hired people.

Head of the department of geo-ecological survey was Sergei Volkov, who previously held a similar work on the construction site of "Putin's dacha" under Praskoveevka, he participated in the design of Olympic facilities in Sochi. "He invited me to Pyotr Khomyakov department, professor of the Institute of System Analysis, RAS. We workedva months, and "shop" covered ", - says the employee of the company.

Ring Road and "Northern Brotherhood"

In 2009, the Federal Security Service detained two "Spetsmetroproekta" employees, Oleg and Anton Troshkina Mukhacheva. They were accused of creating an extremist organization "Northern Brotherhood", which was funded with the money allocated for works on Ring Road. Wolves had to leave for the United States, and Peter Khomyakov, one of the ideologists of "brotherhood", went into hiding - both were declared wanted. Hamsters lived for some time in the Ukraine, in Georgia and then illegally returned to Russia to draw a pension. In August 2011, the professor came to Pereslavl on a meeting with the sponsor and was detained by counterintelligence.

Four months later, the Investigation department of the FSB opened a criminal case of fraud on a large scale. Indications Troshkina Khomyakov and formed the basis of the investigation, told Forbes source familiar with the case. "Hamsters in the eyes of the investigators, perhaps, terrible extremist, but he is a bona fide scientist, and did not hide a sawed on CBP. " Hamsters claimed during questioning that at meetings of the Central Ring Road in the "Metrogiprotrans" and "Soyuzdorproekt" his department tasked "simulate" the results of research works, which were allegedly in the summer of 2008, although the contract was signed in November 2008.

"We had to deal with hydrology - and what hydrology, when all the snow and ice? All major field work conducted from spring to autumn. So we decided to arrange the survey retrospectively ", - explains employee of the company. Instead of actual field surveys the designers used the archival materials of 40-60-year-old, according to investigators, and under the guise of route survey Khomyakov, he said, offered to take pictures of the area from a car window.
Hamsters claimed that the overstatement of estimated expenses: cost of 24 million rubles on paper turned into 1 billion rubles. "In 2009, the task for the cancellation estimated at 2.5 billion rubles, moreover, that actually LLC" Spetsmetroproekt "will receive 170 million rubles," - said the investigator Khomyakov.

The representative of "Metrogiprotrans" andAlexander Vasilyev WOCAT told Forbes, that the readings Khomyakov a very low degree of confidence: "They moved the offense - after leadership" Spetsmetroproekta "accused him of embezzling 3 million rubles." At the end of 2012 Hamsters received 4 years in prison for fraud and extremism. Eremin of "Soyuzdorproekt" refers to the testimony of Khomyakov "strange". According to him, shooting from a motor vehicle was not carried out: to hire a plane, carried out aerial photography and laser scanning. Technical claims to reports of contractors were, but they were minor and corrected, he said. "The main thing is that the entire project documentation was held Glavgosexpertiza. It is known that the FSB did not contest its outcome to me. The investigators have questions to individual investigations, but no complaints about the project work ", - added the head of the" Soyuzdorproekt ".
The upshot seems to be coming soon. Recently Professor Khomyakov of the colony was transferred to the detention center "Lefortovo" of the FSB - he apparently gives new evidence. October 26 at the KGB out of the main terms of the case on the theft of 9.8 billion rubles allocated for the Court investigatesAnia, - it is necessary to bring charges or close the case.

All ahead

If the story is completed successfully for the "Soyuzdorproekt" Institute will receive their money from the arrested accounts and additional funding for supervision. And, probably, the contracts for the development of working documentation for the construction workers.

Who CRR, in fact, carried out only preparatory work: contracts for them were near Moscow "Centrodorstroy" and "Stroynovatsiya" Ziyaudina Magomedov. The contract last - 6.2 billion rubles, decent money. But the division of the main pieces of the pie by CRR is yet to come.
By the end of the year it will be held a competition for the conclusion of the next investment projects worth 57.8 billion rubles - a fifth of all funds allocated for the CRR. More major contracts in Moscow was not since the first concession. After that, in the suburban forests descend regular battalions of heavy construction equipment, which will cut down trees, blow up the ground, pouring thousands of cubic meters of concrete. The recipient of the profits from their work is unlikely to be some notzvestna this man market.